Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam is the Women’s wing of the Malankara Orthodox Church of India. It is one of the major spiritual organization of the church combining all the female members. It is spread throughout the world in all the 30 Dioceses and functioning in all parishes of the church.

The organization was founded in 1928 aimed at the spiritual progress of women. The founders named it “Marth Mariam Samajam”after the Blessed Virgin Mary whom they accepted as their interceding saint. It was started under the patronage of the Late Very Rev. M.C.Kuriakose Ramban and with the leadership of K.M. Annamma. and co-workers.

The Samajam strives promote an awareness in the faith and tradition of Malankara Orthodox Church. It helps to create a feeling of fellowship and understanding among the members of our church. It strengthens the spiritual life of our women and also helps to cultivate compassion and love among women of our various churches. We try to fulfill our motto “Prarthikkuka, Pravarthikkuka, Prakasikkuka”.

Martha Mariyam Vanitha Samajam of Cathedral was initiated at the time of the Vicar (Late) Rev. Fr. T.C.Mathai. From then onwards the MMVS of Cathedral is continuing the work concentrating in its theme. With great gratitude we remember the former Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Committee members and other members. Smt. Rachel Koruhu, Smt.Sarasu Paniker, Smt. Sarala Paul, (Late) Smt. Omana Ninan, Smt. Chinnamma Kochunni, Smt. Gracy, Smt. (Late) Mary Cheriyan… were the eminent leaders and members.

The Samajam which is in the name of St. Mary is working hard to spring St. Mariy’s virtues of Humility, love, Holiness and faith in to the daily life pattern of women through study classes, retreats and fasting prayers. The meetings and Bible classes are held on Sundays after the Holy mass. Bible classes, retreat and fasting prayers on every Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm are under the valuable guidance and leadership of Vicar. A Unit of Navajyothi MOMS also is organized functioning since 2011.

Members of Martha Mariyam Samajam take great interest in visiting orphanages, sick persons at homes and hospitals and giving financial aid to needy persons. The MMVS of Cathedral sponsors educational aid to poor students and financial aid to the marriage of deserved girls and for the treatment of poor patients by taking collections from members of our church. The members participate in the annual conferences, one day conferences, and have won prizes for the competitive exams as well as other competitions which are held Diocese wise and Akhila Malankara Conferences.

We celebrate Aug. 15th as Samajam Day and the Last day of Bible reading month. During the Bible reading month selected Parishioners conducted nonstop Bible reading for two days and Samajam members conducted every day ½ an hours Bible reading from 5am to 11pm continuously.


OFFICE BEARERS: 2023 – 2024

President            :  Fr. Aji Abraham

Vice President   :  Smt. Saramma Thomas

Secretary             : Smt. Sophy Roy

Joint Secretary  : Smt. Jessy Thomas

Treasurer            : Smt. Mary Varghese



       Smt. Mary Paulson

       Smt. Annie Chali

       Smt. Lillykutty Jacob

       Smt. Sheeja Aniyan

      Smt. Lucy Mathew

      Smt. Mariyamma Simon

      Smt. Santha Joseph

      Smt. Molly Simon

      Smt. Sosamma Thomas