MGOCSM, the 1st Spiritual sapling for students in Asia, is the spiritual organization of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church for its Student Community.

Malankara Orthodox Church has witnessed the spiritual progress of lots of young stars through the efforts of Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Students Movement (MGOCSM). The laudable initiative for the Senior Leaders and students of our Church, in Madras, in the early part of the 20th century. The organization was founded on the basis of intense yearning for true spiritual progress for the youth along with an ardent spirit of Christian fellowship. The Organization was formed in 1907 as Syrian Student Conference. The first conference of the Movement was held at Madras on the 1st of January 1908.

The Movement had progressed and flourished from 1912 to 1960 with a new vigour as St. Thomas Syrian Student’s Movement. The present title of MGOCSM was conferred in the year 1960 and henceforth it has remained the icon and symbol of united Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. MGOCSM has incorporated within, two student organizations of Malankara Church, namely, St. Thomas Syrian Student’s Movement and Mar Gregorios Syrian Student’s Association.

OFFICE BEARERS: 2022 – 2023

President                                      :   Fr. Kuriakose Abraham

Vice President                              :   Nimy Abraham

Secretary                                       :  Jibi.P.Boby

Treasurer                                      : Hanna Agnas

Joint Secretary                            : Angelo Ben Charles